Welcome to first blog post. Our team are sharing some of the info with you regarding to the Air Pollutant Index in short form API.
There are two type of the air quality monitoring stations used in Malaysia
(i) Manual Sampling (High Volume Sampler , HSV)
(ii) Automated Sampling (Continuous Air Quality Monitoring Stations, CAQM)
Locations of all national air quality monitoring network in West Malaysia.
For Johor state,there are only 4 stations available and there are none available in Batu Pahat.
This is our primary motivations of our team to get out the air quality monitoring system as soon as possible.
Here is additional of locations of air quality monitoring located in East Malaysia
How to calculate API :
(1) Each of the pollutant (7 categories) is collected thru the collectors at set interval time.
(2) The amount of the pollutants collected are averaged out and counted as individual index (Idx)
(3) Maximum Idx are chosen as the API indicator for the region