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Saturday, 31 May 2014

Part 2 : The Software Setup

Hi, welcome to Part 2 of setup. Technically,this is not software but operating system setup.
This guide assuming that you know how to operate Windows 7 operating systems.

First of all, we need a full size SD card. You may use mini / micro sized SD card with adapter.
For this Raspberry Pi project, I used my old trusted SanDisk Ultra Class 6 SD cards

For beginner,  prepare a SD card, mine was a SanDisk Ultra SDHC Class6 8GB. It is confirmed to be working for me. Any brand of card is maybe acceptable but you need to make sure that you have more than 2GB spaces as the OS for Raspbian (Raspberry Pi official OS) is known to take about 1.3 GB spaces.If you are willing, you can leave the SD cards that is working in the comment

Prepare the SD cards using SDFormatter at Use this options to format the SD cards

Then , surf to to download the OS. Select the NOOBS Offline and network install parts. After finished downloading, unzip the files and copy it into the freshly formatted SD cards. 

Then , connect the Raspberry Pi to the LCD using HDMI and use select "Source" in your TV remote to select HDMI ports plugged in.

But my Raspberry Pi PWR LED lights on but there are nothing on display
There are few reasons why your Raspberry Pi is not showing anything on the LCD display.
Based on my trial and error experiments

1. HDMI cable is not plugged in properly or faulty HDMI cables. Poor connections = no output display.

2. SD card is locked . Raspberry Pi needs to unlock SD card before it can modify the contents inside SD card
Unlock it (Slider is pushed opposite of Lock directions) . Look it at the left side of the SD card (In this case Sandisk)

3. SD card not formatted correctly
You maybe skipping the format the SD card parts. Reformat using SDFormatter software and copy the NOOBS into SD card and boot them again

4. SD Card damaged
Test the SD cards can be readable in Windows machine. If not, replace with other known working SD Cards

5. Power adapter does not give enough power to the Raspberry Pi board
The adapter is supposed at least to give 5V and 0.7A 

Ok , Now I can see display on the LCD screen. Now what ?
Congrats ! Now yopu can proceed to the next step.
Select Raspbian [RECOMMENDED] as it is highly optimized for Raspberry Pi.

You can select others but other Linux Distro is more confusing than the Raspbian with Windows looks alike interface.

Wait for the OS images to be fully unpack . Unpack is term used in Linux to unzip the file.
NOOBS is essentially a "packed" OS.

Remember this very well. You will need this soon...

Finally, finished install the OS after around 25 minutes.

You will see this as your first setup. You will need keyboard for this.
Press [Enter] and finished.

The screen will filled like with lines and lines of code like Matrix style .
Supposedly, it will stop at a point where system request for Usename.Type in as follows

Username: pi
Password: raspberry

And the password field may look blank when you type in but it is not. It is one of Linux security features .

The screen will scroll more.
Type startx to go to familiar Window Interface