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Sunday, 8 June 2014

Part 3: The Sensors and Connections

After part 1 and part 2 is  over well, we are now focusing on the TGS2600 for contamination detection sensors.

What is TGS2600 ?
 It is a metal oxide sensor developed by Figaro (USA) for the air contamination (such as Carbon Monoxide) sensors. The sensor is heated internally until the metal oxide sensor can capture the air pollutants reading in parts per million. The output from this sensors is in form of the resistance reading (in ohm , Ω ).

Here is a picture of the sensor used in Raspberry Pi.

How to connect it to the Raspberry Pi?

This is the bottom view of the cross sections of the said sensor

The schematics for the sensor connections is as followed

How to connect to Raspberry Pi ?

You can solder it but preferably it is advisable to use non - permanent connection mode by using female - female jumper (if you do not have / rusty soldering skill) .

Here is the GPIO connection in Raspberry Pi.
There are a total of 26 connections with 13 pins on each sides.
All of the GPIO pins are to be used interchangeably with one another ( except for the 3 power pins )

On the board, the P1 indicator refers to the top left of the GPIO pins.

On the breadboard, we are using a analogue to digital converter chip, a Microchip MCP03800